Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Reasons Why I Love Him...

The reasons why I love Him...
Contrary to what you believe, I believe that before we took human form our souls promised to find each other and do this life together. 
When you look at me, you see me as the person I was intended to be and not the woman I tend to identify with.
We may not have a lot in common, but the things we do out weigh the small things we don't. 
You are my anchor. I may drift, I may be pulled in other directions, but you are always anchoring me.
The main reason I am so independent and manage to do so much is because I know I have you behind the scenes.
I am so blessed to know what it feels like to be loved everyday. Even when we don't like each other, I know I am loved.
You push me past my limitations to conquer my fears. 
You make me feel safe.
You always have my back and whisper words of affirmations in my ear when I am weak.
You make me feel as if I can do anything. 
You are never shocked, overbearing, jealous, unkind, or untrusting.
When you walk through the door after working a long day, I feel whole again.
You set me straight and don't allow me to get away with being anything less than what I am supposed to be.
Your sensitive heart overflows with compassion. 
You are loyal to everyone you love. 
Even though your heart has been broken, you managed to still love fearlessly. 
After being tested, torn, broken, and lost, your resiliency pulled you through and I admire your strength.
You love our perfectly imperfect boy and see him as being nothing less than perfect. 
You would fight fire to protect us.

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