Wednesday, November 12, 2014

On Friday Morning

Every Friday morning, I take Jason in his red wagon and we walk to Dunkin Donuts to get him three munchkins. Every Friday morning at Dunkin Donuts, people always look at Jason. They see a boy using sign language, wearing braces on his legs, and not able to walk yet. I always was defensive inside, because I didn't want people to look and pity him or me. Today, I realized something. One woman asked kindly about his braces and wished me luck; another woman commented on how adorable Jason is, and then there was this man. He was mesmerized by Jason. He watched him as he ate his chocolate glazed doughnut, he walked passed him and asked him for a high-five, and couldn't leave without touching him once more. He was a warm man; a kind man. My realization was this... people aren't pitying my son; they aren't feeling sorry for him; they are humbled by him. My son reminds them of strength, determination, courage, and perseverance. My son illuminates people's soul.

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